TD Bank Beach 2 Beacon Road Races 2013

5 08 2013

The wine has been delivered, the linens are prepared, and all the food pick-ups, drop-offs, and cooking stations are planned out and accounted for. Last week was the first full week of preparations for the TD Bank Beach to Beacon 10K Road Race scheduled for August 5th. We were extremely excited to be a part of the festivities again this year and meet and serve all the amazing volunteers and runners affiliated with this magnificent event.

Saturday morning was the day of the race. We provided all the amazing athletes with water, oranges, small breakfast foods, and other refreshments. Keeping the runners hydrated and nourished before the event is something we take very seriously. There is such a buzz in the air on race day! It always makes interacting with the runners and volunteers and spectators such a treat!

The wonderful volunteers and other VIPs that devote countless hours of hard work to making sure this event goes well will be having a special event the night after the race. This VIP event will be a good old-fashioned Maine lobster bake, which we catered.  This event is always a blast for everyone involved!

The TD Bank Beach to Beacon 10K Road Race has become a huge event that we love taking part in. A huge thank you to all the volunteers, community members, sponsors and leaders who make race day so special every year.