Infuse Your Dishes with Rich Flavors!

17 09 2014

I don’t remember when margarine started to replace butter (probably because I never got on that bandwagon). What could replace sweet, creamy butter?

Oh man, you have got to try compound butter! Just mix anything you like with butter and you have something brighter and more flavorful than just butter.

The best part is you can use compound butter on anything. Yes, anything! Put it on bread for a sandwich, rolls at dinner, toast, croissants, scones or biscuits, grilled fish and meats, vegetables, and pasta. Click here to read more about compound butter and to see Nancy’s recipes for a couple of her favorites on our blog!

You can also make it savory or sweet. Really, the possibilities are never-ending and it is so simple to make. Just mix softened, unsalted butter (I like to start with an unsweetened butter so that I can control all of the seasonings—I am, after all, a control freak!) with seasonings, herbs, or fruits and vegetables and put into jars to store in the refrigerator. We as a caterer roll it into logs in plastic wrap and freeze it to later slice them into wonderful coins to place on grilled meats in order to dress them up a bit and give them more flavor.

If you are going to mix the butter with something cooked (like sautéed spinach or roasted garlic), you will need to completely cool the cooked item before adding to the softened butter.

My current favorite compound butters are a savory one of avocado, cumin, coriander seeds, and sea salt and a sweet/savory one of honey, smoked paprika, smoked sea salt, and smoked pepper. Try anything you like and see what you can do to out do yourself! YUMMMMMM!


Basic Compound Butter Recipe

No measurements. Just make how much you will use over a few days time. You can also freeze it for a few months.

Combine softened, whipped butter with any ingredients you prefer. You can use a mixer, food processor, a strong spoon, or even a scraper.


Avocado, Cumin, Coriander Seeds, and Sea Salt Compound Butter

Mix 4 ounces of unsalted butter with:

2 small ripe avocados

2 teaspoons of cumin

1 teaspoon coriander seed

1 minced garlic clove

Sea salt and pepper to taste

Juice of ½ lime

This is wonderful spread over grilled corn on the cob!


Honey, Smoked Paprika, Smoked Sea Salt, and Smoked Pepper Compound Butter

Mix one pound of unsalted butter with:

½ cup of honey

2 teaspoons smoked paprika

Smoked sea salt and smoked pepper to taste

Juice of ½ lemon

This is wonderful with any kind of fish—my personal fave is grilled salmon!



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