What are you thankful for this year?

20 11 2014

Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing (or do you call it dressing?), green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole (the one with the marshmallows!), and pumpkin pie… YUMMMM my favorite Thanksgiving dinner! What’s yours?

I cannot get past it, it has to be this every year—no ham, no beef tenderloin, and Chuck doesn’t even like turkey!

I don’t know about you, but I long for this meal with family every year. It’s true of others because we cook Thanksgiving dinners for many people and this is essentially what they want!

So are we creatures of habit? I guess I am because I rise in the morning and follow the same procedures everyday… often at the same times. AND I make the same Thanksgiving meal every year with only a few tweaks on the recipes…

Every Saturday, Chuck and I go out to breakfast (time and schedule permitting), and we have been going to the same place many, many years—not because of the outstanding food because it’s not really about that (not that it isn’t great!). It’s about the “Cheers” factor. You know everyone knows your name, etc., and they do! They also know my special drink recipe created by my husband and can pretty much tell us what we are going to eat! The minute they see us walking in, they get it going. It makes me feel special.

Thanksgiving makes me feel special. My mother taught all of kids how to pitch in and make everything. Even my Dad created his own stuffing (NOT dressing)—a recipe that I know my sisters and brothers and I recreate every year.

Thanksgiving is about family and special memories and being thankful for both—and of course the dinner. Maybe football too!

And I feel special and thankful because I have a man who loves me for what and who I am, AND he gave up his career to help me pursue my dream of owning a catering business. He is the literal wind beneath my wings, and he works his butt off every day to promote our cause.

I feel special and thankful because we have great loyal customers, and with your help we have grown this business in just 15 years. We have great loyal employees that have helped us grow this business in just 15 years as well.

I feel special and thankful because of my mother, sisters and brothers, children, son-in-law, and grandchildren. And my friends.

Chuck just told me this morning that he does not need a camera… his memories are in his head!

What a great Thanksgiving, I look forward to this year… maybe I will add black garlic to the mashed potatoes! And I am thinking of making pumpkin cheesecake instead of pie… Yummmmm! Stay tuned!

Have a Happy and Thankful Thanksgiving!