Fresh Cherry BBQ Sauce from Taste of the Nation 2013

19 06 2013

We have the honor of being the exclusive caterer at the 2013 Taste of the Nation VIP Reception at Wolfe’s Neck Farm in Freeport.  The event benefits a number of different charities including The Good Shepherd Food Bank, Opportunity Alliance, Cultivating Community, as well as Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry Campaign.

One of the dishes that we are serving is a Seared Duck Breast with a Fresh Cherry Barbeque Sauce.  This sauce would go great with any poultry – serve it at your next summer barbeque or let us come prepare it for you!

Fresh Cherry BBQ Sauce

1 Yellow Onion, chopped fine
2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
1 can Cherry Juice Concentrate
1 cup Red Wine Vinegar
3 Chipotle Peppers, stems removed
4 packages of Dried Sour Cherries
8 cloves of Garlic, chopped fine
1 tablespoon Paprika
2 tablespoons Tomato Paste
1 cup Sour Cherry Preserves
1 jar Roasted Red Peppers, with liquid
2 tablespoons Rye or Bourbon Whiskey
2 tablespoons Sugar

In a heavy saucepan, sauté onion in oil until caramelized.  Add cherry juice, vinegar, chipotle peppers, half of the dried sour cherries, garlic, paprika, and roasted red peppers.  Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let simmer until chipotle peppers are completely softened, at least 30 minutes.  Remove from heat and let cool.

In a food processor, puree the mixture together with the remaining half of the dried sour cherries, the tomato paste, roasted red peppers, and cherry preserves until smooth.  Push puree through a mesh strainer into a saucepan.  Add sugar and salt to taste.  Add whiskey and return to stove to bring back to a boil.  Reduce heat and let simmer for another 20 minutes or so.  If needed, add additional sugar/salt.

10 Tips to Choose a Caterer

12 02 2010

Choosing the right caterer can make a big difference in any
event. Here are a few things to look for when choosing a

  1. A
    – A good caterer should offer a menu
    tasting. I think it is unreasonable for a caterer not to offer this
    service. How can you know what a caterers food is like if you don’t
    taste their food?
  2. An
    – Provide your caterer with your budget. It
    is much easier to prepare an appropriate menu when the caterer is
    given a budget number. Note that most caterers do not include
    applicable State taxes and requested gratuity in the quoted (per
    person) price.
  3. References – Ask for and
    seek out references, and then call them! A good caterer will be
    able to provide many references. Ask about the caterer’s
    presentation, enthusiasm, quality of food and service.
  4. Respect – Find a caterer
    that will follow your food values if you require only local or
    organic ingredients, or a green event.
  5. A Contract – Ask the caterer
    if there will be any additional fees. Make sure you secure a good
  6. A
    – Ask the caterer if he/she will actually
    be at your event.
  7. Accessories – Find out what
    the caterer provides in addition to food and ask for any charges
    applicable such as chafing dishes etc.
  8. An Interest – Is the caterer
    you are talking to really listening to you? Is he or she really
    interested in you and your event?
  9. Insurance – Make sure that
    the caterer is properly insured and licensed.
  10. A Relationship – Always
    choose someone you are comfortable with.

you have any stories to share or questions to ask, please feel free
to comment!