Living My Dream!

20 01 2010

Tomorrow at 10am I will be interviewed on the radio show Resilience is the Brilliance! The intent of the show is to inspire women who are stuck in their own limitations, wishing life would be different but don’t move forward. This show is meant to share stories of women that have overcome, lack of confidence, fear, lack of education, lack of experience or any other limitations that will inspire others.

I left a comfortable life of nursing and real estate because I was over looked for a well deserved promotion, to follow my dreams! There have been ups and downs, but over the last ten years we have made our business, CVC Catering Group, what it is today.

Here is an outline of some of the questions I will be asked;

  1. What is your favorite success story you can share?
  2. What were your life experiences up until the time you began your business or career?
  3. Did you have heroes or heroines growing up and how did they effect or influence your adult path?
  4. How did you feel about your life? Motivation, Struggles, disappointments, high points, low points, etc…
  5. What was your “why” for starting a business? Was it your idea? Someone else’s idea, Money, fame, helping, etc…?
  6. What has been the funniest turn of events in owning your business?
  7. Did the “why” turn out to be the real why or did you discover a much deeper purpose or outcome?
  8. What do you know now that you wished you knew when you were 20-years-old?
  9. What were the hurdles you had to overcome to make your business a success? Prejudice, no life, no time, opposition?
  10. Are you glad you did it? Is it worth it? Why? Are you able to enjoy your business? Integrate a purposeful life?
  11. How did you benefit? Community, personally, self esteem personal growth?
  12. What are some of the pitfalls to watch out for? Arrogance, complacency, lost sight of who you are? 
  13. If you got off track, how did you get yourself back on the right track?

To listen hear the show, go to On the left side look for Diva tool box radio, click on hosts. The next page will take you to a listing, the name of the show is Resilience is the Brilliance the closer it comes to the show starting, it will move up to the top. It is also recorded, then downloaded and you can retrieve it from iTunes.

Looking forward to the show and would love to get your comments!