10 Tips to Choose a Caterer

12 02 2010

Choosing the right caterer can make a big difference in any
event. Here are a few things to look for when choosing a

  1. A
    – A good caterer should offer a menu
    tasting. I think it is unreasonable for a caterer not to offer this
    service. How can you know what a caterers food is like if you don’t
    taste their food?
  2. An
    – Provide your caterer with your budget. It
    is much easier to prepare an appropriate menu when the caterer is
    given a budget number. Note that most caterers do not include
    applicable State taxes and requested gratuity in the quoted (per
    person) price.
  3. References – Ask for and
    seek out references, and then call them! A good caterer will be
    able to provide many references. Ask about the caterer’s
    presentation, enthusiasm, quality of food and service.
  4. Respect – Find a caterer
    that will follow your food values if you require only local or
    organic ingredients, or a green event.
  5. A Contract – Ask the caterer
    if there will be any additional fees. Make sure you secure a good
  6. A
    – Ask the caterer if he/she will actually
    be at your event.
  7. Accessories – Find out what
    the caterer provides in addition to food and ask for any charges
    applicable such as chafing dishes etc.
  8. An Interest – Is the caterer
    you are talking to really listening to you? Is he or she really
    interested in you and your event?
  9. Insurance – Make sure that
    the caterer is properly insured and licensed.
  10. A Relationship – Always
    choose someone you are comfortable with.

you have any stories to share or questions to ask, please feel free
to comment!